Francesca Pezzoli graduated in Foreign Languages and Literature (English and German) at the University of Bergamo and she attended a Ph.D. in Theories and Analysis of Text at the same institute in 2006. Since 2005, she organizes seminars in different Italian and European universities during conferences or events about software and video game localization. From 2004 to 2006 she taught English in secondary schools and from 2017 to 2020 she has been a professor of Game Localization at the University of Bologna, in the Laurea Magistrale in Specialized Translation (at the campus in Forlì). She lectures GameLoc and CAT Tools courses in Italy and abroad. Since 2003 she works as a freelance translator, editor, and tester in the video game and app localization industry, collaborating with agencies and direct clients globally and managing projects with major publishers and developers. In January 2016 she co-founded NBZ SNC, a company in the video game and app localization industry that in 2018 became the current MANEKI COMMANDO SRL.